A Letter to My Future, Productive and Reliable Self
Looking into the future, I see many things.
Of course, I cannot actually see the future, or know what will happen; but I can envision my life ahead.
My last article covered a letter to my younger self (read here). I spoke at great length about the regrets I have had during my youth.
I mentioned how I miss the “good old days,” and the people I have lost along the way, among various life opportunities.
The article had a happy ending, though, as it was not all doom and gloom. I have a great life, a wife and kids, and everything I have ever wanted, including my dream career as a funeral director. I want to be clear about that.
However, I still struggle from time to time about my past. The mistakes, the regret, the missed opportunities. But I cannot go back in time.
To rid myself of the past, and focus on my present and future, I am writing today about my future, productive and reliable self.
Since my last article centered around the previous 40 years of my life, this article will focus on the next 40 years. I will be writing to myself at age 80, instead of the 40 years old I will be turning this September.
When I am 80 years old, the year will be 2064.
That in itself is wild to think about. It's such a long time away, and yet, I’m halfway there, today, writing this. Our glass is half full, though, and not half empty. There…